Try the following SAT math practice question (No Calculator, Grid in question) that tests your understanding of evaluating functions.
Let $f$ be a function for which $f(x-1)=-3f(x)+2$ for all values of $x$. If $f(2)=3$, what is the value of $f(0)$?
Online SAT Prep the right way
Try the following SAT math practice question (No Calculator, Grid in question) that tests your understanding of evaluating functions.
Let $f$ be a function for which $f(x-1)=-3f(x)+2$ for all values of $x$. If $f(2)=3$, what is the value of $f(0)$?
Collegeboard’s new digital SAT gives students access to the powerful graphing calculator Desmos. This means that many of the questions that were difficult in the past SAT can now be easily solved using the graphing calculator. In this video, I illustrate this ease of using Desmos to solve two difficult SAT math questions taken from the digital SAT practice tests released by Collegeboard in the fall of 2022.
I just published my video explanations to all of the math questions in the four, full-length digital SAT adaptive test forms that are available through Bluebook™, College Board’s test delivery platform.
Try the following SAT math practice question (No Calculator) that tests your ability to simplify and manipulate arithmetic terms with roots and fractional exponents.
Which of the following is equivalent to $(\sqrt[3]{48})(\sqrt{54})$ ?
Here is the link to the playlist of videos that explain all of the math questions in the 2022 October SAT QAS that was held in the US on the 1st of October.